Här hittar du som vill lära dig allt eller lite mera. Nedan listas kurser som finns på The Quantum Academies.
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- Under den kan du läsa vad som exakt ingår. Pris finns angivet i respektive kurs.
- Du kan certifierad dig vid genomgången utbildnings i alla dessa kurser.
Det här är en extra allt kurs som innehåller allt för att bli certifieras som specialist terapeut
Course Package inlcudes the five courses required for certification as a biofeedback specialist. Separate course pricing of $2,245 is reduced to $2,020 at the package rate.
Den här kursen är det 3 kurser i som ingår, se det gulmarkerade och du kan läsa mer när du klickar på länken.
Training Course Package for Technician Certification
Course Package includes the three courses required for certification as a biofeedback technician. Separate course pricing of $1,200 reduced to $1,050 at the package rate.
Nybörjar kurs. En bra kurs som ger en grund att stå på.
Beginners Course
Anatomi kurs
Anatomy & Physiology Course Course Overview: This is a 15 hour course and consists of 23 chapters.
This course meets the Anatomy & Physiology course requirement for obtaining Certified Biofeedback Specialist status through the Board of Advanced Natural Health Sciences (BANHS).
Biofeedback kurs, ger insikt biofeedback och forskning
Avancerad kurs
Uppslagsbok med allt du behöver veta. Inklusive alla flödesscheman för olika obalanser precis som A-Z protokoll nedan.
The Quantum Encyclopedia includes 2,600 pages of Quantum Biofeedback Stress Reduction Protocols, Nelsonian Homeopathy, Quantum Biofeedback Natural Health Aids, Classical Homeopathy Nutrition, Anatomy and Physiology, Education on Isodes and Nosodes, Definitions of Terms, Quantum Biofeedback Education on Symptoms, Quantum Biofeedback Education on Causes, Education on Vitamins, Education on Minerals, Education on Amino Acids and more!Your purchase of the Quantum Encyclopedia will also include the 850 page A-Z Protocols manual at no additional charge!
A-Z protokoll. Består av otroligt många flödesscheman på hur man kan arbeta utifrån en speciell obalans.
A-Z Protocols
The A-Z Protocols is a must-have reference guide for any SCIO, Eductor or Indigo practitioner with more than 350 topics covered in more than 800 pages of detailed stress reduction protocols at your fingertips! This manual will assist you in taking the guesswork out of your sessions and will help you in easily navigating through each stress reduction protocol.